Tuesday 24 June 2014

Homeward bound! PART 1.

On Friday I hopped on the train to Southwold ie. Mum-Town (and where my eldest sister also resides), for a bit of long anticipated beach therapy.

I've got a week between end of exams and starting my new job so am determined to cram in as much relaxation as possible.

Going back to my mum's is always like going on holiday as you can see...

I think this was a wedding party, right next to where we were encamped.

 A wee picnic on the beach, courtesy of foraging at the Black Olive deli. Mmmmmm...pork pie.

Pork and stilton scotch egg.

Caught the wedding party having a group photo, I love this it seems so charmingly classic English - almost Victorian.

Goats cheese and spinach tart.

I had to carry 3 of these 99s down the beach and they'd melted all over my hands by the time I got back, grrrr.

Clearly - happy to be home!

Just your typical stunningly gorgeous garden in Southwold.

My mum's allotment - isn't it fabulous? We dug for buried treasure earlier, (potatoes of course).

Scampi fries are my new passion.

Arriving in Norwich, I found this and didn't stop to read it, but read enough to want to capture the moment.

Dinner at my dad's in Norwich.

The Royal Arcade in Norwich is probably my favourite place in the city, it's so beautiful and hasn't really changed in 20 years.

Elm Hill - another favourite spot, I think Stardust was shot here.

Yes it's a sugar mouse, and yes it's delish.

I'm dying to get some old fashioned sweetie jars and do this at home, so much so that I've already eyeballed some jars I want on Amazon.

My dad and I decided to be very cultural and take a trip to the Castle Museum, something I haven't done since I was a nipper.

I remember this being much much bigger, but I guess I was only 4 feet tall last time.

The other side of the arcade, you can see the macaroon shop on the right, everyone loves this but I personally don't think anything beats Laduree.

Lower Goat Lane - one of the coolest streets in Norwich.

Why 'strangers'???

I know this is hideously blurry but I love the colours.

Last night at my dad's, I had a hankering for puppy chow so had to go and make some. For those who don't know it's chocolate, butter and peanut butter melted together which you slather all over Shreddies, leave to cool then toss in icing sugar. It's a sugar coma in a bowl, but divine darling, divine.

Tomorrow, the Royal Norfolk Show - stay tuned for Part 2!

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